What Parents Feed Kids at Home Makes a HUGE Difference

The school lunch cooks will have a really hard time getting kids to eat healthy if all they get at home are chicken nuggets and fast food. Many of the lunch room crowd work really hard in getting food that is required on plates, looking appetizing, and tasting good. Yet, if they don’t get the support from home, it’s an uphill battle for them.

Many parents, too, are so used to eating out and having the usual fast food fare that eating otherwise is just too much trouble. Yes, it does take time to plan, shop, and cook, but it is worth it. Someone has to step up and do it if kids are going to be accepting of healthier foods.

Then too, more schools (elementary and secondary) need to focus on classes that include nutrition and healthy eating. Too many classes that taught these subjects have been eliminated. And what could be more important than learning about food and how important it is for healthy living?

To your health and that of your family,

Lee Jackson
child nutrition advocate

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