What Others Are Saying
“I grew up hearing a lot of these phrases, and many of them are still in use today, particularly in the rural area where I reside. Bob has done a good job of laying out the book, and sectioning it according to its applicable use, i.e, Appearance, Marriage, Common Sense, and so on.
As a writer, books of this type are invaluable resources, especially when defining character traits. A character’s lingo defines him/her as much as the description of their clothing or the surrounding environment. You will speak more clearly to your readers if the dialog of your characters reflect the place where they live and breath and have their meaning. Bob takes the time to show that nearly every phrase has more than one meaning or use in language.
I’ve made Bob’s Rural Midwestern Idioms/Folk Sayings a part of my reference collection. I was just browsing through it again this evening and had to smile at some of the familiar turns of phrase, and even picked up a couple of new ones that I’m sure one of my future characters will be given cause to utter.” – Susan Cronk