The Thanksgiving Legend of the Five Kernels

Maize for popcorn, cultivated in Hungary, prod...

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Ask your children whether they have heard the legend of the five kernels. This legend is about the Pilgrims. The first winter the Pilgrims almost starved. It was very cold and they did not have enough food. Some days they had little to eat and had to share what they had with many people. Some days they ate only five kernels of corn. But then spring came, and the Pilgrims planted, hunted, and fished. The next winter there was more food. But they always put five kernels of corn on the table to remind them of their early struggles and their thankfulness for the more plentiful year.

In her book, Cooking Around the Calendar with Kids: Holiday and Seasonal Food and Fun, author Amy Houts says a friend gave her a gift of this legend. Her present was five kernels of candy corn in a zip-lock bag. Tucked inside the bag was this message:

The first kernel reminds us of the beauty of autumn.
The second kernel reminds us of the love in our family.
The third kernel reminds us of God’s love.
The fourth kernel reminds us of our friendship.
The fifth kernel reminds us of freedom.

You can ask your child, “What are you thankful for?” Together, try to think of five things for which you are thankful?

Hopefully, you and your child can think of many, many things for which you are thankful.

May you have a joy-filled Happy Thanksgiving!

Lee Jackson

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