NEW Learning Through Cooking Activities E-Book (Early Childhood Fundamentals)

New Learning Through Cooking Activities e-book by Amy Houts is now available on Amazon. This guide helps parents and others who work with children use food to teach children important concepts. The activities in the book are organized so that early childhood teachers can use them as part of their curriculum.

There are many concepts that can be taught through cooking activities. These include math and science principles, cooperation and sharing, using all 5 senses to enjoy food experience, classifying colors, identifying shapes, teaching good nutrition concepts, and so much more.

Children love to cook and help in the kitchen. As parents, grandparents, and caregivers, we can make this time fun as well as a learning experience.

In this e-book, each cooking experience lists what the children are to learn, the ingredients and/or equipment needed, what preparation to do, discussion questions to involve children, and additional projects or related activities.

For example, if the object is to learn to observe and classify primary and secondary colors, children can use food to enhance this study and their sense of taste. You will need foods of different colors. (Suggested foods are given). Each day foods from a different color can be discussed and prepared. A related activity could be sorting colorful cereals or dry pasta of different colors.

For lessons on shapes and encouraging fine motor skills, foods with different shapes can be used. Children can use cookie cutters to cut shapes from cheese slices and bread, then match the cheese to the same shape of bread. Foods can be chosen for circles, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and orange slices; squares, such as crackers and cheese slices; foods that look like triangles such as pizza slices and pie wedges. After discussion, the food can be eaten at snack time.

To order this e-book, click here It will make a valuable resource for home and school.

Lee Jackson
Family and Lifestyle Coach

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