Here is Amy Houts shown with her books at the Cider Fest.
She brought along her Cooking Around the Calendar with Kids and her Cooking Around the Country with Kids books.
The children who stopped by our table were the highlight of the afternoon. One little girl spent 20 minutes at least coloring her picture, although her Mother and we assured her she could take it home to finish it. When she finished at last we thought she would tuck it in her bag to take with her, but she wanted us to have it. So we showed it off by tapping it on the side of our table. She even signed it, just like she saw us sign her books.
It wasn’t only little girls who were interested in Amy’s books, but boys stopped to check out what we had as well. One Mother told us her son was a really good cook. We heard about lots of favorite foods that kids make – from brownies to macaroni and cheese. One couple stopped to look at the books and the father particularly was interested in the books on cooking with children for their little girl. He’s the one who bought the book for their child.
Here’s to getting more and more children interested in cooking,
Lee Jackson
Author of two apple cookbooks and a children’s story book,
The Littlest Christmas Kitten