Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day heralds the beginning of summer! Perhaps this, along with the end of school, is what we remember most about this day. But it should be one that has far more significance than merely that of a “three-day week-end”.

This is a day of remembering those who have died to protect our country’s freedom. It is a time to honor and remember those men and women who have given their lives in order to preserve our country’s freedom and our way of life. Many people wish to honor all who have died, not only those fallen in the line of duty to our country.

This is what we did as I was growing up. It was called Decoration Day in those days. We would go to the cemetery and decorate the graves of relatives and friends. A few days before we would plant fresh flowers at the grave sites and trim the burial plots to have them looking nice for Decoration Day. Then on that day we would go to pay our respects and visit with others who were also decorating their loved ones’ graves.

This holiday used to be celebrated on May 30th. Often there was a program at the court house with speakers and patriotic music.

Since 1971 it has been observed on the last Monday in May. Making this important day a part of a three-day week-end seems to diminish its significance.

Chef Crombie wants to join all Americans in prayers for peace and justice and continued freedom for our country.

May God bless America!