How would your kids like to take a taste tour of foods from around the country? What better way to learn about each other
than by sharing foods and customs of the different areas of the country.
As immigrants settled America they brought with them their memories and tastes of foods from the far reaches of the world. These reflections of their traditions, history, religion, celebrations, and family have turned into dishes now traditionally cooked in different parts of the country.
The childrens’ cookbook, Cooking Around the Country with Kids: USA Regional Recipes and Fun Activities by Amy Houts incorporates these tastes from across America to help children expand their global awareness.
What if children could make and taste the flavor of New England through a seafood dish such as Shake and Bake Scallops (p. 34)? They would learn more about the kind of foods produced in that area and something about the region. Or Pennsylvania Dutch Funnel Cakes (p. 70) from the Mid-Atlantic region? Cheese Grits (p. 104) from the Southeast or Cheese ‘N Pepper Quesadillas (p.181) from the Southwest?
These recipes and many more are found in Cooking Around the Country with Kids. This American heritage cookbook is filled with over 250 pages of child-friendly recipes, learning activities, and food history. You can find out more at this book website:
In Cooking around the Country with Kids, children will learn not only the part food plays in each area of the country, but what is grown in that region and some of the traditions and customs of the area. They will learn how food played a part in our country’s history. Read what others have said about the book at
This learning experience is not only helpful in the home but there is a natural extension to the school curriculum. It could easily make science, geography, math, and American history come to life in the classroom.
Take a look and see if this is what you need to help your child have a global look at American cooking from their own kitchen or school experience.
In good health,
Lee Jackson
Child nutrition advocate