Easy to Use Cookbooks

Earlier I wrote about the spiral/non-spiral cookbook situation. Today I want to tell you about another of our apple

Apples, Apples Everywhere - Favorite Recipes From America's Orchards

cookbooks and how we solved the “cookbook stay open” issue. This cookbook, Apples, Apples Everywhere – Favorite Recipes From America’s Orchards, is a little bit larger than From the Apple Orchard and a different type of binding was used on it – one that allows it to stay open better. The larger size also helps it stay open.

The cookbook doesn’t snap shut when you take your eyes off the page. This “stay flat” binding is a big help when hands have flour and you don’t want to lose the recipe page. In printer jargon, the binding goes by different names, but I just call it “the binding that stays open”.

When checking out cookbooks, you will see that some stay open better than others. We’ve been very happy with the way Apples, Apples Everywhere responds to kitchen counter etiquette. I’m glad we chose that type because it really makes the cooks happier.

Lee Jackson
Images Unlimited Publishing
Books for cooks and apple lovers,
kids, families, and parenting professionals

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