Kids love Halloween. Here’s something else to watch for this Halloween season – no, not witches and goblins, but Halloween cards. Today our guest is Chris A Morris who has lots of ideas on how to find and what to look for when collecting vintage Halloween cards. Kids enjoy collecting items, and they may like to collect current Halloween cards as well as vintage cards.
Collecting vintage Halloween cards can be a very rewarding area for people wishing to start a unique collection of Halloween items. This type of paper ephemera is very appealing to the eye, easily displayed, and it is neither particularly expensive nor very difficult to source some really choice Halloween memorabilia.
One of the difficulties for a serious collector is to date paper items accurately. Copyright dates are rarely printed on cards, and some thoughtful research would need to be undertaken to value a Halloween card according to its age, scarcity, and provenance.
A Good Place To Start
Verifying the age of a card is not really necessary when collecting these delightful cards as a fun hobby, and a good place to start is simply to judge a Halloween card’s value as its value to you personally. If it appeals to you, looks vintage in its style and the age of the card, then that is surely enough to begin with. Bear in mind that ‘vintage’ can be a loose term depending on the object in question, and a 50-year old Halloween card would surely pass the vintage test. Unless the card is inserted in a post-marked envelope however, this is not an easy matter to judge.
The classic vintage Halloween card will often be based on one of the venerable Halloween themes, such as a witch on a broomstick, a black cat, a ghost, and of course pumpkins are a regular feature. It is likely that most surviving Halloween cards will be particularly well constructed. The lesser cards will probably not have survived well for decades, and will often not have been considered worth keeping beyond the next year’s Halloween.
So as a vintage card collector you should look out for some really unusual features, such as real wood used for the witch’s broomstick, a spring-loaded skeleton, or perhaps even a winking ghost. They are not uncommon characteristics, and they are easier to spot than you may think. Start looking now and see what you can find.
If you are interested in starting a new and original collection then Halloween is a good time of the year to start. Although you can discover Halloween cards and ephemera at any time throughout the year, Halloween is the time when they tend to ‘come out of the woodwork’. Collecting Halloween costumes is another distinctive hobby which would dovetail nicely with collecting Halloween cards.
There is no better time to start than the present, and you can find more Halloween ideas atwhere the author explains more about some fascinating Halloween costumes.
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