Today I want to tell you about a book that features my friends, the Mukies, who live in a far-off land. You may not have heard of them as they are a very primitive family group.
Their history goes way, way back, even before fighting and weapons, and war. They live for peace and harmony and good will. Sometimes, however, they run into big problems. A honey tree causes the Mukies a great deal of trouble.
The communities of Mukieville and Mukiedale were located next to each other. The Mukies had always lived together peacefully. The border between the two was not clearly marked. It didn’t really matter until the tree indicating the boundary became valuable.
One day a large swarm of honeybees chose this particular tree for their hives. You see, next to melilot, honey was the Mukies’ favorite food.
The leaders and the elders argued about the rights of each others’ community to the honey. Each accused the other’s citizens of sneaking and stealing the honey that rightfully belonged to their community.
Hatred and distrust developed within each community as well as against the other community. Finally one person spoke up and made a difference.
How do you think one person can make a difference? Have you ever been that “one person”?
Listening to the Mukies is one of my favorite easy-to-read books about building character. If you don’t have a copy, the Chef suggests you pick one up today with this link.