Books that Leave Lifetime Impressions

Recently I wrote about being extra busy. It seems I never have enough time to do everything I  want to do. Does that sound familiar?

This is why I am anxious to read In Praise of Slowness by Carl Honoré, on how people are discovering energy and efficiency where it is least expected – in slowing down. According to Scholastic‘s website “You Are What You Read”, it is one of the five books that most influenced Arianna Huffington, a nationally syndicated columnist and author and co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post.

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I am constantly aware that the pace of life is spinning out of control. There is too much to do and too little time to do it. Eventually our body and mind remind us to slow down. Would slowing down help people live happier, more productive and healthier lives?

We need to make more conscious choices about how our time is spent. Everyday more people wonder if there isn’t some way for them to get a better handle on time. Saying “no” to many after-work activities will help. There must be other productive ways to escape from the frantic fast-forward pace of modern life.

Compounding this are the many changes in our society and in the restructuring of the family. Fears and insecurities regarding divorce, disruptions in the family and violence weight heavily on adults and children.  High stress, financial problems, more responsibilities and less free time are other high impact issues.

The demands of work, family, and community are great. Success in balancing these roles and relationships impacts personal satisfaction and well-being. And we continue to search for the answer to “how can I find balance in life?”

Lee Jackson
Still searching. . .

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